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TA 1140. Fundamentals of Acting.Units: 3

Foundation training for actors through theatre games, improvisation and exercises for developing expressive freedom, creativity, relaxation and concentration. Fundamentals for creating a role exploring the use of such elements as objectives, given circumstances, character analysis and conflict. Formerly offered as TA 252.


TA 1141. Improvisation.Units: 3

A beginning course in improvisational techniques for the actor and for those who will use drama as an educational tool. May be taken 2 times for up to 6 units. Formerly offered as TA 240.


TA 2131. Fundamentals of Stage Design.Units: 3

Study of the elements and principles of design as related to theatrical applications and visual analysis of dramatic literature. Materials fee required.


TA 3122. Performance Practicum.Units: 2

Students experience role preparation, rehearsal and acting before varied audiences. Open to all students. May be repeated for credit. Formerly offered as TA 320A.

TA 3123. Performance Practicum.Units: 3

Students experience role preparation, rehearsal and acting before a variety of audiences. Open to all students. May be repeated for credit. Formerly offered as TA 320B.


TA 3131. Technical Practicum.Unit: 1

Application of scenic, costume, lighting or audio crafts for a live performance. May be repeated for credit. Formerly offered as TA 321A.

TA 3132. Technical Practicum.Units: 2

Application of scenic, costume, lighting or audio crafts for a live performance. May be repeated for credit. Formerly offered as TA 321B.


TA 3143. Fundamentals of Directing.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 1140 and TA 2131. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 235 and TA 252 or consent of instructor
Theory and practices of stage direction including script analysis, staging and management. Formerly offered as TA 346.


TA 3161. Theatre History and Literature I.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Quarter Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
Exploration of theatre architecture, practices, and literature for the purpose of understanding the major trends in the development of theatre arts. Origins through 1800. Satisfies GE designation WI. Formerly offered as TA 361.


TA 3162. Theatre History and Literature II.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Quarter Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor
Exploration of theatre architecture, practices, and literature for the purpose of understanding the major trends in the development of theatre arts. 19th Century through contemporary. Satisfies GE designation WI. Formerly offered as TA 361 and TA 363.


TA 3210. Voice and Movement.Units: 3

Theory and fundamentals of specialized stage movement and vocal techniques for the actor. May be taken 3 times for up to 9 units. Formerly offered as TA 245 and TA 253.


TA 3320. Scenic Design.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 2132. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 235 and 239 or consent of instructor
Advanced principles of scenic design. An exploration of Design for Theatre and other spaces for audience interaction.


TA 3330. Costume Design.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 2132. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 233 and 235 or consent of instructor
Advanced Principles of costume design and rendering techniques. Formerly TA 337.


TA 3340. Sound Design.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 2132. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 231 and 235 or consent of instructor
Advanced principles of sound design, concepts, and aural research. Formerly offered as TA 333.


TA 3350. Lighting Design.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 2132. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 232 and TA 235
An in-depth study of the principles of lighting design, research and concepts. Formerly TA 332.


TA 3602. Dramatic Analysis and Playwriting for Teachers.Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: satisfaction of the GE written communication (A1) requirement
Analysis and Writing. Literary analysis of selected plays with special emphasis on how to write about dramatic literature, including integrated practice in writing for performance. Formerly TA 302B.


TA 4163. Criticism of Plays in Performance.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 302, ENG 306 or consent of instructor
Critical analysis of public theatrical performance with an emphasis on the journalistic review. Textual analysis, artistic perception and aesthetic evaluation of acting, directing and design. Both individual and class attendance at several theatrical performances outside of regular meeting times will be required. Formerly TA 505. Satisfies GE WI designation.


TA 4241. Styles of Acting.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 3240. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 351
Studies and performance of selected styles in theatre. May be taken for up to 6 units as topics change. Formerly offered as TA 353.


TA 4242. Acting for the Camera.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 3240. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 351 or TA 385
Study and application of acting techniques unique to current media. May be taken for up to 6 units. Formerly offered as TA 357.


TA 4410. Drama in Education.Units: 3

Introduction to theories and practices of using drama as a cross-disciplinary teaching tool. Two hours seminar and two hours activity. Formerly offered as TA 481.


TA 4420. Touring Practicum.Units: 3

Touring experience including rehearsal and performance before an audience. Open to all students. May be taken again for credit. Formerly offered as 320C.


TA 4430. Puppetry.Units: 3

Overview of puppetry as a fine art and the uses of puppets as interdisciplinary teaching tools. Includes lesson planning and performance techniques for teachers. Two hours seminar and two hours activity. Formerly offered as TA 486.


TA 4510. Acting in Musical Theatre.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 3240. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 351
Concentrated study on performing musical theatre, with an emphasis on voice, dance, and character development. May be taken for up to 6 units. Formerly TA 355.


TA 4643. Directing and Devising Performance.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: TA 1140 and TA 2131. Quarter Prerequisite: TA 346
Advanced studies in play directing and devising new work for performance. Formerly TA 446.


TA 4661. Dramatic Literature I: Classical to 1800.Units: 3

Development of World Drama: Origins to 1800. Formerly TA 450.


TA 4662. Dramatic Literature II: 19th Century to Contemporary.Units: 3

Development of World Drama: 19th Century to Contemporary. Formerly TA 455.


TA 4663. Dramatic Literature of Identity.Units: 3

Examination of dramatic literature and performances produced by diverse communities to understand how their identities and histories shape the contemporary experience. Satisfies GE Category C4; DI designation. May be taken for up to 9 units as topics change, but only 3 units may be used for GE. Formerly offered as TA 456.


TA 4665. Shakespeare I.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Quarter Prerequisite: one course from ENG 301A, ENG 301B, ENG 302A, ENG 302B; or consent of instructor
Comedies and history plays. Formerly TA 475/ENG 475.


TA 4666. Shakespeare II.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. Quarter Prerequisite: one course from ENG 301A, ENG 301B, ENG 302A, ENG 302B; or consent of instructor
Tragedies and romances. Formerly offered as TA 476/ENG 476.


TA 5170. Teaching Theatre in Secondary Schools.Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: senior standing. Advanced studies and application of methods of teaching Theatre in secondary schools, including producing work appropriate for and accessible to young people as well as networking with community stakeholders to create a successful Theatre program. Includes service learning.

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